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Email: aseeger [at]


Distinguished Professor of Ethnomusicology, Emeritus, UCLA
Director, Emeritus, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, Smithsonian Institution
Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage

Anthony Seeger

I am an anthropologist, ethnomusicologist, audiovisual archivist and musician. My research has focused on the music, social organization and ritual life of the Ge-speaking Suyá/KÄ©sêdjê in Mato Grosso, Brazil.  I have also written on issues of land rights, intellectual property, and ceremonies.  I have taught at the Museu Nacional in Brazil (1975-1982), Indiana University (1982-1988), and UCLA (2000-2013) and served as the founding Curator/Director of Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (1988-2000).


Featured Publications

Os Índios e Nos; Estudos sobre sociedades tribais brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus, 1980


Nature and Society in Central Brazil:  The Suyá Indians of Mato Grosso.  Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981.


Revised paperback edition of Why Suyá Sing:  A Musical Anthropology of an Amazonian People. A paperback with a CD published by the University of Illinois Press, 2004.


CV: AnthonySeegerCV.pdf

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