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Latest News

CRACIA Spring 2021 Schedule

CRACIA announces its Spring 2021 program combining selected research presentations with a themed roundtable series, “Four Decades of Lowland South American Anthropology”.

FEB. 1, 2021


Fall 2020 Virtual Program

CRACIA announces its Fall 2020 Program, which features a mix of roundtables and presentations.

OCT. 9, 2020


Weekly Virtual Meeting Series - Summer 2020

During the summer of 2020 CRACIA will hold weekly meetings every Tuesday 3:00-5:00.

JUN. 30, 2020


Spring 2020 Virtual Meeting Series

On May 5, CRACIA continues its virtual meeting series with a presentation by Glenn Shepard.

MAY. 5, 2020


Dominique Buchillet Memorial Essay

Those of you who knew Dominique Buchillet and her work in the Northwest Amazon will be interested in the following memorial essay.

FEB. 12, 2020


Fall Updates and Schedule

We are happy to announce that our website is back online. Here is this semester's schedule, including events outside our seminar series that may be of interest to members.

OCT. 21, 2019


UVA & CRACIA Event: "A Preface that is not a Preface"

"A Preface that is not a Preface (to Poetics of Being in
Indigenous Amazonia and Modern Anthropology)”

MAR. 7, 2018


Amahuaca Siempre: Film Screening & Discussion with the Directors

The documentary, Amahuaca Siempre, is part of a collaborative film-making project between Christopher Hewlett, Amahuaca people and Fernando Valdivia, a Peruvian filmmaker, social commentator and professor of cinema and filmmaking.

FEB. 27, 2018


Indigenous Amazonian Cinema: An Evening with Mebêngôkre-Kayapó Filmmakers

I hope you'll take a moment to mark your calendars for a special showing of two Kayapó films and discussion with the filmmakers from the Brazilian Amazon.

FEB. 9, 2018


Spring 2019 Schedule Released

CRACIA announces its Spring 2019 schedule.

FEB. 3, 2018


CRACIA members at 2017 AAA's

We are looking forward to the 116th American Anthropological Meetings here in our home, Washington DC!

NOV. 20, 2017


September Meeting

Join us for our next meeting on September 15, 3:00 pm in 1102 Woods Hall (UMD), when Steven Romanoff will present his work about doing collaborative ethnography with Matses people:

AUG. 31, 2017


June Discussion Group

Join us for our next meeting on June 16, 3:00pm in 2113 Chincoteague Hall (UMD) for a Roundtable discussion led by Eduardo Fernandez, with participation from Graham Townsley, and Steve Romanoff:

JUN. 8, 2017


Congratulations to Courtney-Stafford Walter

Courtney-Stafford Walter is the recipient of the Society for Anthropology of Lowland South America's Steven Lee Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship.

MAY. 23, 2017


May Discussion Group

Join us for our next meeting on May 12, 3:00pm in 1102 Woods Hall (UMD), when Giancarlo Rolando will present a talk/lead a discussion based on his fieldwork among the Mastanahua in Peru:

APR. 27, 2017


Recent Member Awards

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MAR. 16, 2017


Close Encounters: The Dilemmas of Contact for Isolated Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon

Join us Monday evening, March 27th at 5:45 PM at The Wenner-Gren Foundation for the next installment of the New York Academy of Sciences lecture series. Dr. Glenn H. Shepard Jr., staff researcher in the Human Sciences Division at the Goeldi Museum in Belem, Brazil will be presenting, “Close Encounters: The Dilemmas of Contact for Isolated Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon”.

MAR. 5, 2017

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