Our Events
Laura Mentore and Ryan Blosser- Beyond Respect and Acknowledgement Like Our Life Depends On It: A Call to Action
Robert Stam- Indigenous Arts, Activism, and Media Pedagogy
George Mentore- Friendship and Betrayal as Consequences of the Anthropological Project
Michael Cepek- Perceptions, Relations, and Possessions: The Expansive Body as the Foundation of Cofán Shamanic Epistemology
Graham Townsley- Ancient Builders of the Amazon (Film Discussion)
Natalia Buitron- Beyond Stockholm: An Amerindian perspective on hostage-taking as political overture
Robin M. Wright- The 'Kuwai World': Plants of Power, Spiritual Cartographies, and Borderland Narratives in the Kuwai Traditions of the Northwest Amazon
George Mentore, Luisa Elvira Belaunde and Christopher Hewlett- Revisiting Overing's "Review of Amazonian Anthropology'' (1981)
Anthony Seeger and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro- Roundtable Discussion: Revisiting Da Matta, Seeger and Viveiros de Castro's "The Construction of the Person" (1979)
Renato Athias- Territoriality, Kinship Networks and Social Transformations among the Hupd’äh of the Uaupés River basin, Northwest Amazon
Juan Castrillón with Orlando Rodriguez and Janet Chernela- ~KİRAİÑİA (Long Flutes) Film Discussion, co-pesented with the Mother Tongue Film Festival
Michael Cepek- Laughing at Death: Violence, Accountability, and Humor in Cofán Shamanic Practice
Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin- Love and Anger in Amazonia and in Academia: A disciple's account of Joanna Overing's oeuvre and teachings
Eduardo Neves- Four Decades of Amazonian Archaeology
Victor Cova and Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti- Paradoxical Failures of Indigenous Politics, 50 years after Clastres
Natalia Buitron, Suzanne Oakdale, Anne-Christine Taylor & Luiz Costa- Roundtable Discussion: "The Individual" in Amazonia
Phil Fearnside- Climate Change and the Failure of Governance in the Amazon
Jeremy Campbell- Indigenous Amazonians in Global Climate and Conservation Talks
Leif Grünewald- Failed Analogies: politics and/of becoming among the Ayoreo (Paraguayan Chaco)
Suzanne Oakdale- Amazonian Cosmpolitans
Christopher Hewlett, Giancarlo Rolando and Juan Castrillón- "Planes de Vida: Inward and Outward Audiences of Collaborative Research Projects in the Amazon"
Casey High and Elliott Oakley- "Conserving and Extracting Nature: Environmental Politics and Livelihoods in the New 'Middle Grounds' of Amazonia"
Renato Athias- "Ethnofiction, Anthropology and Indigenous Representation in Visual Productions"
Angelo Baca and Amalia Córdova- "Frameworks for Interrogating and Mediating Collaborations"
Graham Townsley, "New Light on Ancient Amazonia"
Janet Chernela, Eduardo Fernancez- "Differences of a certain kind"
Catherine Allen- "Thinking in circles"
"Reconsidering rights" (Group discussion)
Janet Chernela, Eduardo Fernandez, William H. Fisher- "How we learn"
Angelo Baca, Catherine Allen, Elliott Oakley, Christopher Hewlett, Glenn H. Shepard Jr., Amalia Córdova- "Productive Failure: A discussion"
Emily Colón- "Beyond Letting Anthropology Burn"
Holly Wissler- "Peru: Repatriation of Audio-Visual Archives in the Andes and Amazonia"
George Mentore, Jose Arenas Gómez, Juan Castrillón, Holly Wissler, Janet Chernela, James Whitaker, Elliott Oakley, Eduardo Fernandez, Laura Mentore, Christopher Hewlett- "Roundtable on Embodiment"
James Andrew Whitaker- "Discourses of Doubt among the Makushi in Guyana"
Catherine Allen- "The Sadness of Jars: Separation and Rectification in Andean Understandings of
Glenn H. Shepard Jr.- "From war club to camera: Designing an exhibit on contemporary Kayapo culture for the American Museum of Natural History"
Juan Castrillón- "~KİRAİÑİA (Long Flutes): Film Screening and Discussion"
Eduardo Fernandez- "Ashaninka Responses to Epidemics"
Divino Tserewahu, David Hernández Palmar, and Laura R. Graham- "Indigenous South American Resistance: Film Screening and Conversations with the Filmmakers"
Matthew Aruch, Juarez Pezzuti, Janet Chernela- “Ethnomethods in International Education and Research Collaborations: Examples from the Kayapó Indigenous Territories and Brazilian Amazon”
Janet Chernela, Giancarlo Rolando- "Inside/Outside Workshop Series"
Catherine Allen- "Inside/Outside: Miniaturization and the animacy of stone in the Andes"
Elliott Oakley- "Being Remembered, Being Forgotten: The Politics of Memory in Amazonian Guyana"
Juan Castrillón- "Unfolding Musicking Archives in the Northwestern Amazon"
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) & CRACIA- "Extractivism, the Neoliberal State and Representation"
William H. Fisher- "Greatness Thrust upon Them: Unintended Consequences of Rank among Gê-
speaking Canela and Xikrin. A non-Ontological Account."
Holly Wissler- Andean Grief Singing
George Mentore, Janet Chernela, Beth Conklin, and William Fisher- "A Preface that is not a Preface (to Poetics of Being in Indigenous Amazonia and Modern Anthropology)”
Christopher Hewlett and Fernando Valdivia- "Amahuaca Siempre: Film Screening & Discussion with the Directors"
Bpunu Mebêngôkre and Pat-i Kayapó- "Indigenous Amazonian Cinema: An Evening with Mebêngôkre-Kayapó Filmmakers”
Graham Townsley- "The Shaman and His Apprentice"
Juan Arenas Gómez- "Offerings: An introduction to the people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta"
Renato Athias- "Anthropology and Dialogic Challenges of the Upper Rio Negro Region"
Emily Colón- "The fire-making practice of the Mẽbêngôkre-Kayapó in the Brazilian Cerrado"
Steve Romanoff- "Beyond the Academy: Collaborative Ethnography and Community/Anthropologist Initiatives"
Eduardo Fernandez, Graham Townsley, and Steve Romanoff- "Roundtable on Politics, Leadership, and Power in the Peruvian Amazon"
Giancarlo Rolando- "Becoming Peruvian: Reflections on the Mastanahua contact process"
Theresa Miller- “We Love Gourds:” Repatriation and Revival of Brazilian Indigenous Agrobiodiversity"
Christopher Hewlett- "The Politics of Heritage Among the Amahuaca"
Lucas C. de Carvalho- "Dealing with death during fieldwork. A conversation about the ethical and psychological shifts of death as a traumatic experience”
Theresa Miller- "Mythical Histories and Historical Myths: Canela Messianic Movements, 1963-Present"
Courtney Stafford-Walter- "The Sickness: Separation and Spirit Possession in a Guyanese Boarding School"
Catherine Allen- Quichua Trickster Myth
Juan Castrillón - Cubeo Ethnomusicology
Janet Chernela - Interpreting Kotiria Song
Anthony Seeger- Notions of Ownership in Amazonian Anthropology
Javier Carrera Rubio -“Yanomami in Film”
Christopher Hewlett- "Amahuaca: Building the Future"
Javier Carrera-Rubio- "Sound and Meaning in the Asch-Chagnon series"