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Ph.D. Student, University of St. Andrews

Courtney Stafford-Walter

The thirteen months of ethnographic field research I conducted in Region 9, Guyana, focused primarily on indigenous education, boarding schools, and the impact of this educational shift on Amerindian youth, their families, and their communities. I also describe and analyze ‘The Sickness’, a local term for spirit possession, which effects adolescent Amerindian girls living in boarding school dormitories. I strive to situate this phenomenon in the wider context of Amazonian theory and the anthropology of education.

Featured Publications

2011 “Forced Communitas: A Look Through the Lens of Humanism” Co-authored with J. Kelli Nash; Excerpts published in Communitas: The Anthropology of Collective Joy by Edith Turner



CV: CourtneyStaffordWalterCV.pdf

Email: crsw [at]


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