Email: josearenas2@gmail.com
Doctoral Candidate, Universidade de Brasília
Jose Arenas Gómez
I am a Colombian anthropologist and doctoral student in Brazil at the University of Brasilia. My main focus is the ethnology of South American Indians, social organization, kinship, cosmology, relations between humans and non-humans. I have a special interest in the relations between indigenous people and the non-Indians as well as the production of anthropological theory.
My research was undertaken in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the Colombian Caribbean, especially with the I’ku, indigenous Chibcha speakers, that share the Sierra Nevada with another three indigenous groups from the same Chibchan roots and with peasants. My doctoral research is about the construction of the person in the I´ku context and has three main pillars: the social networks the I´ku weave with the non-humans, the agency of the ritual specialist, the mamu, in those social networks and the objectification of these relations in the vital cycle context.
Featured Publications
Cayón, L; Arenas, J; Ramos, A. A pesquisa antropológica pelos caminhos que se bifurcam. Entrevista com Alcida Rita Ramos.In: Pós - Revista Brasiliense de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais. Vol 12. P 339-365
Arenas, J. Una montaña bañada por el mar: La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta en el Caribe Colombiano. In: Revista Brasileira do Caribe. Vol XIII, Série 25. P 73-102
Arenas, J. “Relações evidentes, relações “esquecidas”: reflexões sobre o reconhecimento da diferença indígena na Colômbia”. In: Etnologia indígena e Indigenismo. Pimenta, J & Smiljanic, M (eds). Positiva/Capes. Brasilia 2012. P 117-132