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FEB. 1, 2021

CRACIA announces its Spring 2021 program combining selected research presentations with a themed roundtable series, “Four Decades of Lowland South American Anthropology”.

All meetings will be held via Zoom on Fridays, 3-5pm (ET). For more information, and to access the Zoom meeting, please email (at)

February 12th: Anthony Seeger
Roundtable Discussion: Revisiting Da Matta, Seeger and Viveiros de Castro's "The Construction of the Person" (1979)

February 19th: Renato Athias
Territoriality, Kinship Networks and Social Transformations among the Hupd’äh of the Uaupés River basin, Northwest Amazon

March 5th: Juan Castrillón
Director Juan Castrillón will discuss his documentary ~KİRAİÑİA (Long Flutes), a Mother Tongue Film Festival 2021 Selection, in conversation with Cubeo-Hehenewa anthropologist Orlando Rodriguez and CRACIA's Janet Chernela

March 12th: Roundtable Discussion: "The Other" in Amazonian Anthropology
Roundtable contributors to be determined, please get in touch if you are interested in presenting!

March 26th: Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin
Love and Anger in Amazonia and in Academia: A disciple's account of Joanna Overing's oeuvre and teachings

Meeting dates for April and May will be added shortly, to include presentations on public anthropology and a concluding themed roundtable. Members may also be interested in the 2021 SALSA XIII Biennial Conference to be held June 21 – 25 and June 28 – July 2, 2021.

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