Spring 2024 Program
CRACIA announces its Spring 2024 program of selected research presentations.
All meetings will be held via Zoom on Fridays. For more information, and to access the Zoom meeting, please email cracia.info (at) gmail.com.
January 26th: William Balée
Reconsidering Ancient Amazonian Social Organization from a Landscape Point of View
March 1st: Anna C. Roosevelt
Continuities Among Amazonian Societies of the Polychrome Horizon from AD 400 to Today
Spring Series on the Northwest Amazon
"The Thingness of Words: Coming to Terms in the Northwest Amazon"
Organized by Renato Athias and Janet Chernela
March 15th: Session 1
François Correa- Orden de Nacimiento vs. Jerarquia entre los Tukano
Luis Cayón and Francisco Sarmento- Alguns elementos sobre a origem do casamento entre os Tukano
Renato Athias- Territory, Identity and Hierarchy: Notes on Mobility among the Hupd'äh
March 29th: Session 2
João Rivelino Rezende Barreto- Da etnia e outras mestiçagens: os princípios do sistema étnico patrilinear do Noroeste Amazônico
Geraldo Andrello and Pedro Augusto Lolli- Alimentos espirituais, venenos e corpos femininos: notas de farmacologia rionegrina
Diana Rossas Riaño- "Ser pedida" / "coger marido": formas y experiencias contemporáneas de exogamia en mujeres yukuna-matapí y tanimuka-letuana
April 12th: Session 3
Danilo Paiva Ramos- Ontologia, linguagem e movimento: uma abordagem tensiva sobre os xamanismos dos Hupd'äh, Yuhupdëh e Dâw
Fabiane Vinente dos Santos and Maria Deane- Quando Jacundá ensinou as mulheress a tocar as flautas sagradas: circulação e gestão de conhecimentos entre mulheres no Noroeste Amazônico
Pedro Rocha- Paisagens invisíveis: especialidade
April 26th: Discussion
For more information, see our Latest News.
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1111 Woods Hall
4302 Chapel Lane
College Park, MD 20742